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This function computes the pointwise geometric median of a QTS sample.


# S3 method for qts_sample
median(x, na.rm = FALSE, ...)



An object of class qts_sample.


A logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


An object of class qts in which quaternions are the pointwise geometric median of the input QTS sample.


#> # A tibble: 101 × 5
#>     time         w         x         y         z
#>    <int> <dec:.5!> <dec:.5!> <dec:.5!> <dec:.5!>
#>  1     0   0.99394   0.09157   0.05888   0.01513
#>  2     1   0.99439   0.08642   0.05913   0.01490
#>  3     2   0.99482   0.08181   0.05855   0.01465
#>  4     3   0.99525   0.07752   0.05723   0.01414
#>  5     4   0.99565   0.07364   0.05544   0.01338
#>  6     5   0.99603   0.07017   0.05331   0.01236
#>  7     6   0.99638   0.06712   0.05089   0.01105
#>  8     7   0.99671   0.06452   0.04823   0.00938
#>  9     8   0.99701   0.06221   0.04533   0.00742
#> 10     9   0.99729   0.05996   0.04228   0.00530
#> # ℹ 91 more rows